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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Food & Drink For Dummies


A cup  of coffee

How to Order Coffee

By Major Cohen

Standing at the counter at your local coffeehouse and deciding what you want can feel overwhelming. Ordering coffee was easier before everybody became a connoisseur. Do you want regular or decaf? Cream, sugar, or black? That was about it.

However, the world of espresso beverages introduced an entirely new language to the menu. Now, you really need to know how to order an espresso or espresso-based beverage. The foundation to nearly all the following drinks is the same:

  • A shot or shots of espresso
  • Well-steamed milk (or some other alternative like almond, soy, or oat milk)

Espresso solo or doppio

Espresso solo or doppio is the result when a shot or shots are pulled. Nothing else is added. The crema (the lighter-golden creamy layer on top) should always be obvious. The crema is created when hot water hits the ground coffee bean oils and floats atop the shot; its smooth creamy bubbles give a good indication of the quality that lies below in the body and heart layers.

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